About the Event

Simpósio de Engenharia Informática 2024 - SEI’24 welcomes you to its 6th edition. 

Faithful to its roots, SEI keeps its vision to bring on the stage students and professionals in the field of Informatics Engineering to share, debate, and reflect on the research, developments, and practices in this field. 



Free entrance, but with mandatory registration. 

Please register your participation, by clicking on the button below, until January, 14.

Important dates

Paper submission: December 9

Notification of acceptance: December 20

Final version submission (camera-ready): January 5

Symposium Inscription: until January 14

Symposium: January 15 (all day)


As a recognition of the quality of the carried out-work, the best paper will be awarded a prize by the organizing committee. 

Criteria will include originality, methodological accuracy, impact on the study area, and clarity in presenting the results.